
70-503 practice tests

TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Windows Communication Foundation certification is a high demand network certification in IT industrial area. In recent years, it has become a global standard for many successful IT companies.

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IBM 000-151 Study Guide

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1.A prospect is considering a BladeCenter H chassis with the Multi-Switch Interconnect Modules. The number of Ethernet ports is important to them. What is the maximum number of Ethernet ports an HS22 blade server can support if the blade does not have any expansion blades attached?
A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 2
Answer: A

2.A retail customer has a database application that is accessed by a large number of people through a web interface from multiple remote locations. Which of the following questions will provide the information necessary to design the best performing storage solution?
A. How many web servers will be connected to the database?
B. How many concurrent applications will run against the database?
C. How many concurrent users will be accessing the database?
D. What are the types of transactions run against the database?
Answer: D

000-151 exam questions and IBM 000-151 practice exam dump guarantee your 000-151 certification 100% Success. Test 000-151 training material will give you the answer. The latest questions and answers are the same as IBM 000-151 exam.

3.An installed customer has developed human resource constraints in the IT department. Which of the following allows the sales professional to proceed with future sales?
A. Proof of concept
B. Volume sales discounts
C. ServicePacs
D. Industry leading technology
Answer: C

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