
IBM 000-151 exam question

We took the 000-151 exam, but when we saw the large quantities of study materials, we became a little anxious. We studied day and light till someday I felt that we could not capture the main points of the real test, so I entered the professional IBM forum to copy others experience.

A happened chance, I found that many people bought the dumps in the same site online, so I entered! For their guarrantee of the passing score and the professional team, I wanted to have a try, so I asked my husband, after a short time agruing, we decided to buy! The after-sell service told me that I only need to learn all the 000-151 dumps they provide. Thats really an easy thing, we used one hour a day at our study, about 2 weeks later, we took the IBM System x Sales Expert V3 real test. Do you know what happened? All the questions were from their dumps! Of course we all passed! Now we get improved and earn a higher salary, but we do not satisfied, we will continue to work for more certifications, and for our better future!

A retail customer installs a BladeCenter into an existing 10/100 Ethernet network. Due to cost considerations, the customer uses Copper Pass-thru Modules. After installing this solution, the customer finds that they have no network connectivity. Which of the following at is causing the problem?
A. Copper Pass-thru Modules only support 1000Mb line speeds.
B. Spanning Tree has been enabled on the Copper Pass-thru Module.
C. The customer does not have the latest firmware loaded on the Copper Pass-thru Module.
D. The customer is using LS21 Blades
Answer: A

